Black Holes Black holes have always amazed us to the ends. They never fail to bewilder us and plant an intriguing sapling in our brain everytime . Hence, we will be discussing about some facts and mysteries regarding black holes. W hat is a black hole ? This question keeps haunting the mind of most of the astronomers. The preponderance of the astrophile believe in it and it is an outcome of Einstein’s theory of relativity. A black hole is a region of spacetime where gravity is so strong that nothing- no particle or even electromagnetic radiations such as light- can escape from it. On the basis of mass and sizes black holes has been divided into four categories :- 1.) Stellar black holes When a star with a mass range from five to several ten times the solar masses collapses due to its own gravitational force the stellar black hole is formed. This is the most abundant type of black hole in the galaxy. Sev...